Infections of Pharynx

“Articles / Chapters” provides a single canonical page on all topics relevant to the practice of otolaryngology. These articles are mainly intended for use by medical professionals.

Retropharyngeal Abscess – Clinical Presentation and Treatment

Retropharyngeal abscess is a potentially life-threatening condition, when infection tracts to lymphoid tissue between posterior pharyngeal wall and prevertebral fascia. Anatomy of Retropharyngeal space The retropharyngeal space lies immediately posterior […]
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Parapharyngeal Abscess

Parapharyngeal abscess is a life-threatening infection, due to spread of infection to the parapharyngeal space. Epidemiology Can occur in any age group Most common causes are tonsillitis, peritonsillar abscess, dental […]
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Peritonsillar abscess / Quinsy – Clinical presentation and Treatment

Peritonsillar abscess commonly known as Quinsy is localized collections of pus in the peritonsillar space usually occurs as a complication of acute tonsillitis. Peritonsillar space fibrous capsule of palatine tonsils […]
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Acute Tonsillitis – Clinical presentation and Treatment

Acute tonsillitis is an inflammatory condition of tonsil lasting less than 3 weeks duration. The tonsils are composed of lymphatic tissue and are a component of Waldeyer’s ring in the […]
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Diphtheria is a life-threatening acute bacterial infectious condition caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae. The usual site of infection is the tonsils and oropharynx, but the disease can occur in nasal cavities, larynx or […]
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